Striving forward: Towards the State of Science in Person-Centred Care
The knowledge field of person-centred care is extensive and proliferating and marked by a combination of empirically grounded knowledge and major theoretical frameworks. As part of the GCPCC, there will be a special session Towards the State of Science in Person-Centred Care. This special session will span over the whole afternoon on Wednesday the 15th of May.
Key scholars in the field of person-centred care will meet at the Global Conference on Person-Centred Care, the GCPCC, which creates opportunities for taking steps toward summarising the state of science in the knowledge field of person-centred care. The goal is to provide an overview of the current knowledge of ‘person-centred care in a generic sense’ that critically picturise where the theoretical and empirically informed advancement has reached so far. The overall purpose of the initiative is to provide a benchmark to further the scientific progress. The step to take at the GCPCC is to be regarded a first one, which undoubtedly needs to be followed up. This means for example that identifying knowledge gaps most likely will be completed in following steps. Following the special session, a report will be published based on the discussions held.
Objective for the session
To provide an overview of the state of person-centred care pertaining core theoretical foundations, and modes and strategies for translating person-centred care into practice, and this will be guided by three overall questions:
- What is the established knowledge?
- What remains to be known, or is inconclusive/inconsistent knowledge?
- What further scientific work is needed to move the state of science forward?
Outline for the session
I. Brief presentations of influential frameworks of person-centred care – 60 min
- The development of person-centred care in relation to broader societal movements, Axel Wolf
- Person-centred care with a foundation in ethics, Inger Ekman
- Person-centred practice, Brendan McCormack
- Person-centred care, Maria Santana
- Integrated person-centred care, Viktoria Stein
- Commentary: David Edvardsson
II. Reviews informing current knowledge about person-centred care – 60 min [1]
[1] These presentations are based on abstracts submitted for presentation at the GCPCC.
- Emma Forsgren. Mapping the concept of centeredness in healthcare research: a scooping review (ID 155)
- Salma Pardhan. Costs and associated health outcomes of person-centred interventions: a systematic review (ID 090)
- Vaibhav Tyagi. The state of science in cardio-vascular person-centred practice: a systematic review (ID 167)
- Zahra Ebrahimi. Key components in implementation of person-centred care for older people in out-of hospital settings: a systematic review (ID 036)
- C Anker-Hansen. The interplay of leadership dynamics and person-centred practice in nursing homes (ID 106)
- Commentary: David Edvardsson
- Introduction to the workshop part of the session: goals, objectives and short presentation of participants in the groups for the final part of the session – 10 min
III. Group discussions aiming to sum up, analyse and critique according to the objective stated above – 60 min
There will be a maximum of 17 groups, and three groups discussing the same question. The structure for the group discussions is:
- Core theoretical foundations
- What are the core assumptions/premises for person-centred care: similarities and differences? What remains to be known or is inconclusive/inconsistent? (Group 1, 7 & 13)
- What are the major concepts and attributes/features of person-centred care? What remains to be known or is inconclusive/inconsistent (Group 2, 8 & 14)
- Modes and strategies for translating person-centred care into practice
- What are the primary strategies and principles for person-centred care knowledge translation? What remains to be known or is inconclusive/inconsistent? (Group 3, 9 & 15)
- What are the prerequisites, mediators (barriers and facilitators) and expected outcomes for person-centred care knowledge translation? What remains to be known or is inconclusive/inconsistent? (Group 4, 10 & 16)
- What are the micro – meso – macro links and interrelations for person-centred care knowledge translation? What remains to be known or is inconclusive/inconsistent? (Group 5, 11 & 17)
- What are the fields/areas with strong examples for practice implementation – fields with potential to act as benchmarking partners? What generic knowledge about practice implementation can be identified in such fields? What remains to be known or is inconclusive/inconsistent? (Group 6 & 12)
In each of the groups there will be one designated participant to coordinate the discussion and one to take notes.
The first part (I) will take place in a large lecture hall (cinema seating), since we assume presentations of the major frameworks will attract several participants at the conference. The other parts (II and III) will take place in a workshop room, where the participants will sit in groups with round tables.
Based on the whole session including the group discussions, a written report on “towards the state of the science of person-centred care” will be completed following the GCPCC; all presenters, commentators, chairs and note takers for the group discussions will be invited as co-authors. To facilitate the report, we will explore possibilities for the sessions to be recorded. The tentative plan is that this report will have the same overall structure as the session outline described above. For the first part presenting the major frameworks we can offer you a choice of contributing with your own manuscript or having your framework described based on the recording of your presentation. We can decide on this later.
[i] These presentations are based on abstracts submitted for presentation at the GCPCC.