
Brendan McCormack


The Susan Wakil Professor of Nursing; Head of The Susan Wakil School of Nursing and Midwifery & Dean,  Faculty of Medicine and Health, The University of Sydney

A whole-systems approach to the development of person-centered services

Person-centred care continues to be a dominant focus as the hallmark of a high quality healthcare service. However, despite more than 20 years of developments in person-centred care, including concept and theory development, intervention implementation and evaluation and advances in patient-reported outcomes, it seems that most health systems do not have person-centred systems to sustain person-centred care. Research and development in person-centredness continues to primarily focus on patient experience as a discrete event of care and much of the outcome measurement tends to focus at this level also. A person-centred service goes beyond such narrow perspectives of service delivery and quality systems, and instead aims to understand what it means to have a person-centred service that is person-centred for all persons. Adopting a whole-systems approach to the development of person-centred services Is crucial should we ever achieve the ideal goal of person-centredness for all persons. These issues will be explored in this presentation and a whole-systems methodology proposed for considering the systematic development of person-centredness at all levels of the healthcare system.

Brendan’s research focuses on person-centredness with a particular focus on the development of person-centred cultures, practices and processes.  He has engaged in this work at all levels from theory development to implementation science and through to instrument design, testing and evaluation.  He is methodologically diverse, but is most at home in participatory/action research.  Whilst he has a particular expertise in gerontology and dementia practices, his work has spanned all specialities and is multi-professional.  He also has a particular focus on the use of arts and creativity in healthcare research and development.  Brendan has more than 600 published outputs, including >300 peer-reviewed publications in international journals and 12 books.  Brendan is a Fellow of The European Academy of Nursing Science, Fellow of the Royal College of Nursing, Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland and Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing. In 2014 he was awarded the ‘International Nurse Researcher Hall of Fame’ by Sigma Theta Tau International. In 2022 Brendan was selected as a member of The Academia Europaea.